Porcupine Puffer | Caring for Diodon holocanthus
Read MoreIf there ever was an aquarium fish that could be labeled as ‘endearing’, it has…
Dogfaced Pufferfish Care | Man’s Best Underwater Friend
Read MoreLooking for an unusual addition to your saltwater aquarium? You might just have found it!…
Stars and Stripes Puffer Care | A Star-Spangled Pufferfish
Read MoreThey’re not reef-safe, will happily munch on anything they can get between their powerful teeth,…
Valentini Puffer | Canthigaster valentini Care & Info
Read MoreThe majority of saltwater aquarium pufferfish are too large for the average home aquarium, easily…
Pufferfish vs Blowfish | What’s the Difference?
Read MoreCommon names of aquarium fish species can sometimes get pretty confusing. One example is pufferfish…
What Do Puffers Eat? | All About Pufferfish Diet
Read MoreIf you’re interested in keeping a pufferfish in your aquarium, it’s important to keep in…
Pufferfish as a Pet | 5 Marine Puffers We Love
Read MoreLooking for an unusual addition to your marine aquarium? Maybe a pufferfish is the right…